Today was pretty cool because I am working in a house that was turned into an office and all the people there are really chill. Doing my work at a home office makes the environment and atmosphere a lot more casual and easier to work in. There is also a dog that wanders around the house, which is pretty awesome if you ask me. On day one, I am already diving head first into the logistics and stuff about how this business works. I have already been trained to operate 2 programs and aid my mentor in keeping her workload down. Although a lot of my work is paper-based, my mentor let me know that would change in the next few weeks. There's also a dog; the dog and I are like best buds. I am a little bit nervous about messing up, whether it be putting some numbers in wrong, or losing some paperwork for my mentor. That would completely suck because it would wither away the trust that my mentor currently has in me as an intern. Other than that, I am really stoked to be here and work at HOA Business solutions.

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    About Me:

    Oh hey, I'm a high school student interning at a business solution firm; so I have to drink coffee and wear ties.

    "Comment on my blog and I'll leave a comment on yours."


    June 2013
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    March 2013

